Preparing the production!

In case you didn’t know, there are endless color mixes possible which can lead to our selected launch-colors, being dust pink, blue ice and midnight blue. Depending on which particular element of the bottle, a different mix is required to obtain the color perfectly. So the past days we’ve been at the factory in Shenzhen to ensure the actual production colors are a perfect match to what we have in mind! After seeing about hundreds types of blue and pink, we’re now quiet colorblind… yet we’re convinced we’ve achieved the perfect mixes for all our parts!

Between the various verification steps in this regard, we’re testing and retesting and… retesting to ensure our PCB does exactly what it needs to do; and we go from one call and meeting into another to finalize our European and Japanese (yes, My_SmartBottle is going to Japan!) certification process.

Bieke Bekaert